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Blog: Blog2
  • eriner401204

Entry #11 #Unexpected 11/20/19

This class was the first time that I felt like I did not communicate correctly with the students in an understandable manner. The biggest reason why this happened was because we had to think on our feet when we found out that we were not able to get enough clay. At first, I panicked because I had never been in a scenario as such where the materials were not all prepared and had to address the unexpected. What I came up with was to create stations for all of the students at the tables with only one being the clay making one. This made me realize that I need to have a section prepared in my lesson plan always for the accommodation of lack of materials. If I had prepared for this expected blip, I would have been more clear in my direction giving.

The painted that I created reflects the idea of absence of materials and thinking fast on my feet. I only used spray paint in this case which was hard for me given that I normally use multimedia to convey my concepts. I think that its important to always be prepared but also to learn how to think and perform when the unexpected happens.

By changing my materials I was forced to express the idea of minimalism and how to create something when feeling underprepared. I think that I was a good practice for me to really get to know spray paint and how the medium works where normally I would focus on the other materials to get my point across since they're comfortable for me to use.

This teaching experience helps me understand that no matter how much I can plan and prepare for my lesson, there will always be little moments of the unexpected. This influences me in the aspect of being more open minded to different scenarios whether it be in my educational practices or my artistic endeavors. This also can be related and influence my journey to become an artist and how there are going to be multiple avenues for me to take.

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