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Blog: Blog2
  • eriner401204

Final Entry- Work in Progress 2 12/9/2019 #Growth

Try out #1

For this piece, I took the different images of myself, composed them into a desired composition that I liked onto a mat board then took a picture of that composition once finished. After I took my photo, I went into an app called Glitch, Instagram and Facetune to edit the photo to make it more interesting. The alterations I made on the app were purposeful to representing the change and growth into a new educator that I am becoming today. Now that I have my reference photo, I am going to use it to paint the image onto a canvas. I want to use paint because that's my favorite medium to use as an artist and because I want to have a hard, visual piece that i can spend time with to reflect and think while I paint.

To achieve this look with paint, I'll probably paint the background in black in white while blocking the large forms out. Then, Ill add glazes to the canvas once dried and use a pen to create the stippling effect.

Try out #2

Similarly to the first try out, I took the different images of myself, composed them into a desired composition that I liked onto a mat board then took a picture of that composition once finished. After I took my photo, I went into an app called Glitch, Instagram and Facetune to edit the photo to make it more interesting but I used the paint tool on the Facetune app to create the blocked out blue and pink colors. These colors are important in representing the different stages of emotions and experience I endured while teaching. Now that I have my reference photo, I am going to use it to paint the image onto a canvas staring with the darkest (middle) first to going to the blue on the right to the pink on the left. When I paint, I always start out dark so set the desired tone and shade for which the rest of my painting will follow. I want to use paint because I feel like I can best represent this image in a way a medium that I am most comfortable with.

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