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Blog: Blog2
  • eriner401204

Final Entry - Work in Progress 1 12/4/2019 #Growth

A constancy that I saw between my 12 pieces was how color played such an important role in visually communicating how my experience went at Beattie. Throughout the 12, I tried to use color to evoke the emotion that I was feeling during my teaching. The biggest change that occurred were the materials that were used in the process. Just as my materials changed in my own studio throughout the semester while I was paintings, so did mine in my journal entries. I notices that I started out with drawing (not taking any risks) to working with acrylic, deforming paper under water, spray paint and acrylic on matt board.

The word that I chose to represent my 12 entries as a whole is growth. This word depicts how the experiences that I had at Beattie along with the experiences with my journal entries both changed who I am as an educator. Not only did I changed how I approached materials, but also how I approached the classroom. Each time I taught at Beattie, I would discover something new that I never knew before by either taking risks, or learning from how I taught week by week.

One of the main reasons why I changed the way I used my materials in my entries was to incorporate the idea that I transform as an educator as I take risks in the classroom as well as the way I approach my artwork. It's important to continue to learn how to take risks but also find a balance to making sure that you can differentiate the what went well in past experiences and what didn't. For this reason, I continued to use different images that I took of myself to inspire what I was going to do for each individual entry. Even though some of my artworks ended up abstract, I still utilized the figure in the beginning stages to help me form my concept for that specific entry.

The biggest change that I saw in myself throughout the 12 entries was the concept of certainty. My comfortability in the classroom went from being questionable with underlined nervousness to more confident. I saw myself also become more open to change to how I managed the classroom as well as the different circumstanced that would occur day but day. As of now, I feel a lot more comfortable managing and communicating to the class than I did in the beginning. I know there as a teacher I still have a lot more room to grow but I feel like I'm much more prepared than in the beginning.

For my final piece, I want to show how I've taking my experiences throughout the semester and transformed them into a new educator, hence my word growth. I think that I want to use the original images that helped me compose my entries throughout the semester to set a foundation to what I want to make. I also could see myself using bits and pieces from each of my entries to create a collage.

The medium I will probably use use is paint or bits and pieces from each artwork. The reason why I would use paint is because I feel the most confident with that method of art making and I utilized paint throughout the semester. I also could see myself collaging to depict the concept of how my past experienced create who I am as an artist and an educator as a whole today.

In order to create my desired piece, I printed out my reference photos and situating them in different compositions to achieve my intended representation. I will probably take a picture of my final composition to go off of for my final work of art.

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